Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012



Allegro is an open-source game programming library, intended primarily for C and C++ developers.


1. Install pre-built binaries
  • Download the version matching gcc version: 4.6.2
  • Copy bin files into personal bin directory
  • Copy lib files into personal lib directory
  • Copy include files into personal include directory

2. Download PDF documentation

3. Download Examples

4. Adjust environment
  • Add C:\Users\%USERNAME%\bin into personal PATH variable in Windows

5. Refer to the binary package release notes

6. Compile example file ex_windows.c
  • Compile command: gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -o ex_windows ex_windows.c -lallegro-5.0.8-md -lallegro_font-5.0.8-md -lallegro_image-5.0.8-md

7. (Optional) Install symbolic links for convenience or for ease of upgrading
  • Go to directory where you installed the library .a files
  • In this example we will make links from the non-static and non-monolithic versions of the library
  • An elevated command prompt is needed in Windows to execute the MKLINK command. 
  • Also, use the MinGW "sh" command interpreter for the following command and easily create the links:
for f in liballegro*-md.a
[ "${f//*monolith*/}" != "" ] && 
[ "${f//*static*/}" != "" ] &&
echo mklink ${f%%-*}.a $f &&
cmd "/c mklink ${f%%-*}.a $f"
cmd "/c cacls * /T /C /E /G YourUserName:F"

With these links in place, it is possible to link the example in Step 6 using the switches "-lallegro -lallegro_font -lallegro_image" and this will be indepedent of the current version of Allegro installed on the system.



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