Libcurl is a multi-protocol file transfer library.Website
http://curl.haxx.se/Installation / Quickstart
1. Download Precompiled Library
Web: http://curl.haxx.se/download.htmlDownload: Section Win32 - Generic, libcurl from Günter Knauf
2. Extract and install files
bin -> %USERPROFILE%/bininclude/curl/ -> %USERPROFILE%/include/curl/
lib -> %USERPROFILE%/lib
3. Install Manpages under Cygwin
Run Cygwin's setup.exeInstall Packages: curl, libcurl-devel
4. Install Libopenssl under MinGW
Install packages with mingw-get (Requires elevated command prompt):mingw-get --reinstall install msys-libopenssl
mingw-get --reinstall install msys-openssl
Go into msys directory and make symbolic links (needed for some programs that expect certain names):
libeay32.a -> libcrypto.a
libeay32.dll.a -> libcrypto.dll.a
libssl32.a -> libssl.a
libssl32.dll.a -> libssl.dll.a
Run these commands to make the symbolic links under Windows (elevated command prompt needed):
mklink libeay32.a libcrypto.a
mklink libeay32.dll.a libcrypto.dll.a
mklink libssl32.a libssl.a
mklink libssl32.dll.a libssl.dll.a
5. Compile a test program
Website: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/simple.htmlSave the source listing as simple.c
Compile: gcc -Wall -o simple simple.c -lcurl -lcurldll
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