popt is a library for parsing command-line options in the style popular in GNU utilities. For example, in most GNU utilities, commands may be called with a combination of short options or long options, such as ls -arF, or the equivalent, ls -a -r -F, or the equivalent ls --all --reverse --classify.popt is included in most Linux environments, and is also included with MinGW under Windows.
Installation / Quickstart
1. (Optional) Install popt package updates or source code using mingw-get
- Enter the command: mingw-get update
- Catalogues are downloaded into c:\mingw\var\lib\mingw-get\data
- Enter the command: mingw-get list
- This will list all packages and a description of each one. Notice the package with name mingw32-libpopt is on the list
- Enter the command: mingw-get install mingw32-libpopt
2. Use the already-installed version of popt in MinGW
3. Make the popt manpage(s) accessible
- Using Cygwin's setup.exe, install the "popt" development package
4. Prepare the example program
- Go to the popt(3) manpage
- Copy and paste the example listing from the program "robin"
- Name the new source file with the listing popt_test.c
5. Fix the errors and warnings that appear in popt_test.c
- The program is correct, but has a minor typographical error and missing typecasts
6. Compile popt_test using the command
- Enter the command: gcc -Wall -std=gnu99 -o popt_test popt_test.c -lpopt
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